A l l o g g i o

Premium Accommodation in the Heart of the City A bed and breakfast is a small lodging establishment that offers overnight accommodation and breakfast.
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High Rating

Vestibulum a blandit ex, in tempor dolor. Phasellus dolor nisl volutpat sit amet et moll is hendrer phare ege ipsu.


Free Cancellation

Vestibulum a blandit ex, in tempor dolor. Phasellus dolor nisl volutpat sit amet et moll is hendrer phare ege ipsu.

Quiet Hours

Vestibulum a blandit ex, in tempor dolor. Phasellus dolor nisl volutpat sit amet et moll is hendrer phare ege ipsu.


Payment Options

Vestibulum a blandit ex, in tempor dolor. Phasellus dolor nisl volutpat sit amet et moll is hendrer phare ege ipsu.

Best Locations

Vestibulum a blandit ex, in tempor dolor. Phasellus dolor nisl volutpat sit amet et moll is hendrer phare ege ipsu.


Special Offers

Vestibulum a blandit ex, in tempor dolor. Phasellus dolor nisl volutpat sit amet et moll is hendrer phare ege ipsu.

See our special offers

Morbi porta, purus at posuere consectetur, eros justo feugiat lorem, nec laoreet odio odio ac erat. Luctus sed libero dictum cursus cras consequat.

Winter Offer

25{bdaa4e62f48ef107da2a77ee9be66b08112e92e51aef86d5ed93219d3cb3d843} Off
-Minimum stay 4 nights.
-Early booking.
-Breakfast included.
-Free cancellation (see terms).
-New Years free champagne.
-Hiking tours with hosts.
-Winter equipment.

Special Events

5{bdaa4e62f48ef107da2a77ee9be66b08112e92e51aef86d5ed93219d3cb3d843} Off
-Minimum stay 2 nights.
-Up to 10 guests.
-Breakfast included.
-Free cancellation (see terms).
-All rooms.
-Cleaning included.
-Late check-out.


Between 08.30 and 10.30 we serve our buffet of local and fresh products. Start your day with your favourite breakfast!


Filterkaffee, auf Wunsch auch Cappuccino und Espresso...

Tees :

schwarzer Tee, Früchtetee, Pfefferminztee, Kamillentee, grüner Tee, Rooibus ...

Multivitamin- und Orangensaft

verschiedene Sorten Brot

Kalte Milch

auf Wunsch warme Milch bzw. Kakao

Müslis :

Schokomüsli, Smacks (aus Weizen), Frosties (aus Mais), Geschroteter Leinsamen, Kürbiskerne, getrocknete Pflaumen, Weizenkleie, Sesam, getrocknete Beeren, Sonnenblumenkerne

Honig, Nutella, Joghurt und Kompott/Obst

Eier von einem regionalen Bauernhof :

gekochte Eier und Rühreier, Spiegeleier Marmeladen: z.B. Erdbeere, Aprikosen, Zwetschgen …

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